Spiritual Life
MTCS Spiritual Life
Supporting Spiritual Life of the MTCS Community
Spiritual Life . . . So What Are We Trying To Do Here?
While daily Bible Classes and Teacher/Coach influence are at the core of Spiritual Formation, Spiritual Life activities are designed to help students connect life and faith through experiences outside of the classroom. Whether it’s thru a Stairwell Singing session, a Life Group conversation, serving a meal to the homeless, or building a house in a Central-America mountain village—our spiritual goal for students is the same—that they encounter Jesus in those moments and Become More Aware of His Presence in All Things; More Like Him in Spirit, Mind & Body. To this end, the Spiritual Life Team promotes a culture resting on core foundational principles of Truth—Relationship—Service—

During this School Year, MTCS Spiritual Life invites you to join us as we explore some of the last recorded words of Jesus. Along the way, we’ll Witness God’s Presence—His Blessings—His Guidance—and His Grace. As a guide, we will hear from powerful witnesses to His Goodness—from Scripture—from History—from Testimony of Students—Faculty—and other Community Members. Our prayer is that, thru this journey, the Holy Spirit will equip and inspire us to become more aware of God’s presence in all things and that we’ll grow in our willingness to WITNESS THE GOODNESS OF GOD.

Todd Miller
Spiritual Life Coordinator

Adam Coggin ’95
Spiritual Life Administrator

Tyler Webb ’20
Boys Spiritual Life Coach

Sarah Kate Helton ’20
Girls Spiritual Life Coach