Elementary School Special Programs

MTCS 5th Grade Boot Camp – Robert E. Bush, World War II Honor Medalist said, “We enjoy today because of those who came before us. We will leave the country better than we found it for those who come tomorrow.” 5th grade boot camp has been an MTCS tradition since 2005. This integrated unit is a week-long experience that provides an opportunity for our students to gain knowledge about WWII – present day, respect and admiration for our veterans, as well as an appreciation for our nation being founded on Godly principles.
As with any integrated unit in our elementary school, we begin with an essential question that is looked at through a lens of Jesus. The essential question for our WWII boot camp unit is
“There are numerous causes, effects, people, and events of World War II; how does this learning impact my future decisions and responsibilities as a child of God?”
Throughout the week, all students go through a simulated boot camp where sergeants implement and teach the students the fundamentals of marching, military drills, saluting and running through obstacle courses. It teaches them to rely on one another in team building obstacles. In addition, students are visited by many who share their personal stories or family history and educate the students on the importance of those who have served our country. The week concludes with the students earning their dog tags while sharing what they learned throughout the unit.. Students are challenged to become lifelong leaders in God’s kingdom and how Christ can bring you through any obstacle, no matter how big!

MTCS Outdoor Learning Lab – MTCS is preparing of land beside our soccer field to build an Outdoor Learning Lab! Working closely with TN Agriculture Department, Murfreesboro Water, Murfreesboro Parks and Rec, and MTSU Environmental Health and Safety Services our goal is to restore an acre of land with a native Tennessee habitat and create an interactive outdoor classroom! This property is a watershed head for sinking creek, which has been cited as needing a restored habitat. Our plan includes a bioretention pond, interactive boardwalk with multiple hands-on learning opportunities, a monarch butterfly garden, a rain garden, wildflower pollinating garden and a working greenhouse for hydroponic plants. In addition, we are adding over 30 trees native to Tennessee, which will help us become a certified arboretum. In order to effectively prepare the land, AJ’s Tree Service will be removing invasive trees and plants. Our Honors Aspire Academy students will spend several months researching water levels, surveying the land, and working through ways to optimize this eco-friendly project.

MTCS Aspire Honors Academy – MTCS is committed to providing challenging experiences for all learners that build on individual strengths and optimize academic potential through hands-on, collaborative learning tasks. The Aspire Honors Academy is available to Intellectually Gifted Students entering grades 4-8 and provides specialized instruction to those who require a differentiated program to meet their special needs.
Key aspects of the Aspire Honors Academy are as follows:
- Enrichment Coach to aid in providing opportunities in classrooms for exploration of information through added depth and complexity.
- Project-Based learning imbedded into core content areas
- Possible acceleration in reading and math based on ability (6th -8th grade)
- A technology enhanced flexible learning environment that encourages students to work collaboratively
- Unique opportunities to participate in self-paced learning
- Grade-specific individualized instruction once a week for 45 minutes with an emphasis on enrichment (going deeper and broader)
We consider a variety of factors to determine admission to the Aspire Honors Academy. They include:
- Cognitive Abilities testing result
- Characteristics of academic achievement, creativity, leadership, and artistic talent
- Academic Benchmark results
- Previous gifted testing results will be accepted as well for admittance
- Student’s behavior exemplifies MTSC’s mission of honoring Christ in Spirit, Mind, and Body.